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Upon request we enter clients home or business in search of various claims from the client to help validate and alleviate the customers suspicions on things that are occurring in or around their premises with the hopes to bring some closure whenever possible.



We pride ourselves on having the latest equipment nessesarry to preform our investigations. some of which include but not limited to the following:

* KII Meter
* Digital Cameras (Point& Shoot)
* Digital Video Cameras
* Audio Recording Devices
* DVR Cameras
* Various Night Vision Devices



To adjust the emotional environment inside your house, cleansing your home from time to time is a good idea. Negative energy can be absorbed into your home from bad moods, fights with loved ones or by other means such as unwelcomed spirits. If you move into a new home, it’s best to have it cleansed to make sure the presiding tenant’s energy doesn’t affect you.

The C.A.T team offers house cleansing either individually or after an investigation of a home or commercial property.



Blessings just like in cleansing, will help to alleviate bad spirits that have entered the home and helps ward off unwanted energy on a more spiritual level. we are open and forthcoming to any and all religions.

© 2019 Cat Paranormal of MN.Website created by Paranormal Designs

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